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The research is organized in three overlapping clusters, each addressing main aspects of the shared research questions. This approach enables the early-stage DK researchers to realize—besides their disciplinary research—scientific originality and innovation, by being already from the outset more engaged in interdisciplinary co-operative work.

Cluster 1: Decision making under uncertainty—normative, legal and economic decision making under uncertainties including the limits of modeling the climate and extreme hydro-meteorological events: concerned with the scientific and empirical presuppositions and boundary conditions of normative, legal and economic decision-making, investigating also the limits and reliability of underlying empirical claims, with a focus on extreme event attribution, and implications for international climate finance;

Cluster 2: Adaptation—regional climate change and adaptation pathways towards a climate-robust economy and society: concerned with the scientific and socio-economic prerequisites of decision-making on adaptation when understood as an element of a transition to a sustainable society and economy;

Cluster 3: Mitigation—interdisciplinary research for effective, fair and legitimate climate change mitigation: concerned with the ways in which developing a sustainable mitigation pathway will have to rely on an interdisciplinary understanding that includes scientific and socio-economic research as well as normative and legal scholarship.


Speaker Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer

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