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About the DKCC

Anthropogenic climate change is one of the main societal challenges in the 21st century. It raises profound social, ethical and political questions that cannot be answered within a single discipline. Coping with current and future climate change requires mitigation, adaptation and compensation strategies that aim at transformational changes.

The DK Climate Change (DKCC) is an international programme at the University of Graz for outstanding doctoral students in the area of climate change. The PhD programme is characterized by innovative training with a special focus on interdisciplinarity. The researchers collaborate to investigate strategies for the transition towards a low-carbon and climate-robust economy and society. The DKCC thus educates a new generation of excellent researchers and contribute to the transformation by building a shared understanding of the challenges of climate change and by reaching out to societal stakeholders.

Link to DK profile


Speaker Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer

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