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Programm und Vortragende

The University of Graz Winter School on Climate Change Thresholds aims to approach the topic from the viewpoint of different scientific disciplines (as presented in the Doctoral Programme of Climate Change at the University of Graz) and to impart knowledge and methods of climate change thresholds to interested PhD students.

Based on the discussion of general threshold concepts, three selected methods will be introduced by scientific experts and following hands-on exercises will guarantee that the students benefit most from the lectures. The applicability of the presented methods in the research fields of the participants will be evaluated in the group. The presented methods are:

The discussions are facilitated by the Winter School team, headed by the DK Climate Change faculty members Steffen Birk, Alfred Posch and Oliver Sass.

Please download the preliminary Winter School schedule.


Sprecher Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer

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